What is NLNL? No Looks No Laughs?

Elaine Benes Dancing Queen - thanks Giphy

NLNL, my new favourite thing

No this isn’t a new dystopian drama where if you fall down nobody laughs at you. Side note – what is the current obsession with dystopian dramas? Don’t people realise we are living in one! Take a look around!

Anyway, I digress; NLNL is my new favourite thing. I was hoping you would realise that NLNL doesn’t actually stand for no one looks, no one laughs, even though that happens to be the case at NLNL. It is something far more fantastic than that, and in my neighbourhood it only costs $7!

Type NLNL into any good search engine near you and you will get the answer: No Lights No Lycra. But then what does that mean?

NLNL is a global dance community offering freedom of expression to anyone who wants to respectfully participate.

So why call it No Lights No Lycra? Well in my interpretation it means pretentious people stay home, if you want to strut your stuff and somehow think the dance floor will open up and everyone will applaud you a la John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever, you’ve come to the wrong place. NLNL means bring on the daggy dancers who love to bust out their moves for the sake of their own enjoyment. It means leave your whistles and glow sticks at home, save them for the rave.

No Lights No Lycra

Founded in Melbourne in 2009, this fabulous, inclusive, and enjoyable community has grown to be in more than 10 countries with 100’s of regular weekly spots all over the world including Beijing, London, Sweden, New Zealand, and India amongst others. Look up the locations, and the story of NLNL here: No Lights No Lycra

What happens when you’re NLNLing

Usually hosted at a community space, or church hall, you pay a fee when you arrive (usually less than $10 – its on the website) and head straight in. Don’t take your valuables with you because there is nowhere to leave anything.
It is dark inside, like it takes a couple of minutes for your eyes to adjust dark, and the music is already playing. People occupy a space usually a bit more than arms length apart, (my local gets packed, but there is still space to get your groove on). The dancing starts the moment you step in.

There is no teacher, no particular style to dance to, you just feel the music and move your body how you want, to for an hour.

Why I love NLNL

I freely admit to being a rhythmically-challenged. To elaborate, I think Elaine from Seinfeld is a good dancer. That should explain. If not, here is a helpful gif (thanks Giphy).

The unique dancing styles of Elaine Benes - thanks Giphy!

But here are the things that I love about it:

The nightly mixes – every time you go there is an entirely different playlist, consisting different styles, tempos, origins and eras. Some thought and care seems to go into every mix to ensure that theirs some faster pieces, and some opportunity to catch your breath. Although it really is at your own pace, and if you want to go hard for the whole hour that great. If you want to stop and stretch, that is up to you.

The space – my local is in the sub-basement of a church, so it is quite a spectacular building and the hall underneath has high ceilings and part of the floor is an actual dance floor under the stage. The stage isn’t used during NLNL, but funnily enough, possibly due to conditioning, most of us face the stage.

The freedom – it really is such a sense of freedom to just dance, no judgement, however your body feels good moving to the music. Absolutely no one cares if you are dancing a style, or dancing something of your own creation. At NLNL it is all about enjoying individual style.

The concept – what a great idea! The two founders of the movement Alice Glenn, and Heidi Barrett are GENIUSES! Such a fun, wholesome, and inclusive pastime.

Community – NLNL is an instant community you can join when you are travelling. Everyone is welcome.

Possibly my most favourite part of NLNL is that it’s exercise and you don’t even know you are doing it! It is better, and cheaper, than any gym experience I have ever had. That’s for sure!

Things that are a  bit of a challenge

That one guy who stepped on my toe while he weaves in and out of people constantly showing off. There is always one!

NLNL is definitely a winner

It is like being at an extremely respectful nightclub where there are no dickheads, no drink and no drugs. Just everyone feeling free to bust out their good moves. And I promise you No one Looks at you and No one Laughs at your moves.

If there is one near you, or you are travelling and find one, I encourage you to go. You wont regret it!


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