
Remember that time I thought I was having a heart attack?

Fun times, not. And thankfully, as it turns out I wasn't heart attacking. I was having a hypertension event.

But who cares right? I have like 4 regular readers.

No, I care. I care. I love that I have 4 regular readers. Love you team!

I also care that I thought I was having a heart attack.

What heart-happened?

Well, nothing. Literally nothing happened, and then Saturday morning I woke up about 2am with pain in my chest. Like every Australian. I ignored it and forced myself to go back to sleep.


Saturday I did all my chores and shopped, rode my bike to drop off my compost and lifted heavy things.

I had to have my asthma puffer with me every minute because woman was I short-o-breath. Phawww. Out of, inhales deeply, breath. Phew. Tired. Pfuh, exhausted. Wow. Like really sleeeeeeepy....zzzzzzz.


Sunday I went to help a friend who'd just moved into an apartment put some things up on the walls (got me a Makita drill and what not), and generally check out their new space. I dod about 7 minutes work and I WAS KNACKERED.

Went home.

Had a nap.


I will never forget Monday. It was super annoying. I had to get up!

I had to go to work (from home), and be productive. I was in the worlds foulest mood. Potentially because I'm not sure if I ate anything the day before. And/or because it was becoming clear that there was something wrong. I could hear my blood pressure in my ear, my chest was very painful. I was out of breath all the time, dizzy most of the time and had a limited tolerance for msp (male, stale and pale) opinions. More limited than usual. No, but like seriously, logarithmically less than usual. Orders of magni-turd less (see the misspell?),

Then I had a meeting

I had a meeting with peeps whereby we talked about stuff we'd talked about last time, they bought up issues for which we'd agreed resolutions last time we met, and we got nowhere.

Needless to say, I was PISSED OFF. For serious. I was super over it. I lost my temper. In my head. But there was a moment. A moment when I remembered that one of the team members I was on the call with had had a heart attack last year. And so..... I GOOGLED THE SYMPTOMS OF A HEART ATTACK, and found this:

Common heart attack signs and symptoms include:

  • Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back.

  • Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain.

  • Shortness of breath.

  • Cold sweat.

  • Fatigue.

  • Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness.

I won the symptoms lottery. I HAD THEM ALL!

Got to be careful what you win.

I finished up the call, and proceeded to freak out.

How does someone who lives by themselves with no family, a dependant, one lovely animal, and a busy job deal with some fun like this?

To be continued:

Am I having a heart attack?


My first heart attack that wasn’t. Part two, of two.


Ignorance must be blissful…